Pass your exam or refresh


Learn The Right Way Right Away

(914) To-Drive (914)863-7483

Pass Your Road Test or refresh

Your Driving Skills with confidence!

A La Carte

Price List

  • 5 Hour Class (Pre-licensing) - $50
  • 1 (60 Minutes) Driving Lessons - $70
  • Appointment for Road Test — $35
  • Expedated Appointment for Road Test — $75
  • Car for Road Test(S.I. toll not included)-$190

Highway Class

90 Minutes

  • Learn To Enter / Exit Highway
  • Learn To Change Lanes on a Highway
  • Learn To Drive on a Highway
  • Learn Highway Etiquette
  • $130

Road Test

All Inclusive

  • Scheduling Road test Appointment
  • Home Pick-Up / Drop Off
  • Tolls To/From Staten Island
  • 30 Min Warm-Up Class
  • Road Test
  • $280